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One NZ – Transforming the New Zealand Wholesale Landscape

As the leading provider of wholesale services, One NZ’s Infrastructure Partners division is focused on providing quality, transparency and flexibility in every dimension, breaking down their customers’ barriers and driving innovation. Read about their LaunchPad MVNE platform, powered by MATRIXX.

MATRIXX Digital Dozen B2B Use Cases ebook cover

The Digital Dozen eBook: B2B Use Cases

The enterprise market is the new growth battleground for telcos. Service differentiation is everything, driving the need for a new and more dynamic commercial and experience model.

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CSPs’ B2B Success Will Be Defined by the Flexibility of Their Commercial Models

Growth in B2B ICT services is a strategic imperative for telcos. Addressing the current shortcomings in customer experience and commercial agility delivery are foundational to delivering that growth. This report surveyed 400 enterprises and CSP’s for their reflections on where that commercial relationship is in need of improvement.

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