Explore the results of the MATRIXX performance benchmark using real world configuration for 4G and 5G offers and usage, conducted with partners IBM Telco Cloud, Red Hat and Intel.
Explore the results of the MATRIXX performance benchmark using real world configuration for 4G and 5G offers and usage, conducted with partners IBM Telco Cloud, Red Hat and Intel.
An enterprise application platform — delivered as a cloud native set of services — that accelerates time to value by infusing AI and enabling intelligent workflows for next-generation monetization at web scale.
Accelerate go-to-market for new services and use-cases
Leverage instrumented AI, automation and security for massively flexible charging
Harness opensource ecosystems to build and charge for next-generation offerings
The combined strength of IBM and its ecosystem of partners, including MATRIXX, will create a hybrid cloud ecosystem that can help operators attract and retain subscribers; increase investment effectiveness while driving down operational costs; and create new, monetizable digital services.
Powered by MATRIXX 5G Converged Charging and monetization, IBM’s Telco Cloud makes it easier than ever for operators to realize the full potential of their 5G investments to compete with hyperscalers.
from consumption-based pricing
from an expanded ecosystem of products and services
by eliminating customization and bespoke use-case coding